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Fauche, Xavier; Léturgie, Jean; Jean Léturgie

The cursed ranch

Lucky Luke ; 62

When oil suddenly gushes from the ground in Whitney, it makes prospectors very happy, but not the in ...

Im Bestand seit: 17.11.2022


Faure, Michel; Léturgie, Jean; Jean Léturgie

The pony express

Lucky Luke ; 46

In 1860, getting from Missouri to California on the West Coast took a long, long time - not to menti ...

Im Bestand seit: 17.11.2022


Fauche, Xavier; Léturgie, Jean; Jean Léturgie

The Dalton's amnesia

Lucky Luke ; 49

After a fellow inmate, having received a blow to the head, forgets his own name and is freed as a br ...

Im Bestand seit: 17.11.2022


Fauche, Xavier; Léturgie, Jean; Jean Léturgie

Sarah Bernhardt

Lucky Luke ; 63

Sensational news in the United States: the great actress Sarah Bernhardt is coming from France for a ...

Im Bestand seit: 17.11.2022
